Magic: Beyond The Ghost Light

Magic: Beyond The Ghost Light


Get to Know Our Paranormal Magic Team!

The Best in Paranormal Magic!

Vince Johari is a ghost hunter, a trained practitioner of Induced After Death Communication, a magician, but most importantly a paranormalist who loves the strange and bizarre who weaves those themes into his performances.

Carlos David is a full time professional magician, a consultant to other magicians and bizarre performers, and an experienced haunted history tour guide and storyteller. Although he performs magic of every genre he specializes in close-up and parlor style magic.

The shared fascination with the paranormal and mysteries of the unknown inspired Vince and Carlos to collaborate in creating and producing several paranormal themed magic shows such as Pre-Possessed, Johari’s Window, Ghosts of Arthur Conan Doyle, and...

Magic:Beyond the Ghost Light

Their work and performances have been featured at:

The King Opera House,

Haunts of C Street,

The Pythian Castle,

the 1886 Crescent Hotel ( America’s Most Haunted Hotel ),

The Magic Attic Theater,

Haunted Eureka Springs,

Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge,

The 3 Fox Sisters Theater,

Arcane Relics 2 Summit,

East Coast Spirit Sessions VIII,

and Troy Taylor’s Haunted America Conference…

3 Fox Sisters Productions